Invest in the Body of Faith

As a disciple grows and begins to make disciples, a key to making disciples is to Invest in the faith of others.

Many of the ways to Invest in others at Cordele First are listed below.

Take your next step as a disciple-maker today, and contact the person listed to Invest in that specific ministry!

first kids Ministry

To Invest in our Kids, email Brenda Farrow..

Opportunities to Invest:

  • Nursery Volunteer
  • Children's Church Leader
  • Sunday Morning Class Teacher
  • Sunday Night Suppers Host
  • Wednesday Night Leader
  • Kids Choir Volunteer
  • VBS Volunteer
  • Trip Chaperone
  • So much more!

*Anyone who serves with our children must complete our Safe Sanctuaries Training.

Renovate Students

To Invest in our Students, email Kody Franks.

Opportunities to Invest:

  • Sunday Morning Class Teacher
  • Sunday Night Volunteer
  • Sunday Night Suppers Host
  • Wed Night Small Group Leader
  • Trip Chaperone
  • So much more!

*Anyone who serves with our students must complete our Safe Sanctuaries Training.


To Invest in our 18-20s ministry, email Nate Faircloth.

This ministry for our 18 to 20-somethings exists to disciple those who are our youngest adults.

Opportunities to Invest:

  • Small Group Leader
  • Event Coordinator
  • Trip Chaperone

Young Adults

To Invest in our Young Adults, email Will Griffin.

This ministry encourages single and married young adults, most of whom are constantly juggling working and raising children.

Opportunities to Invest:

  • Sunday Class Teacher
  • Small Group Leader
  • Parent Night Out Event Coordinator


To Invest by joining our Care Team, 

email Cindy Ellis.

Care Team is an extension of our pastoral care, and ministers by sending small teams to visit our shut-ins and those in need Once a Month. Join a team and be a part of caring for our members!

Also part of Care Team is our Lightbulb Ministry. If you would be willing to help with small projects as needed around the homes of those who cannot do those things themselves, also let Marie know!


To Invest by assisting with Communion, 

email Cindy Ellis.

Our Communion Team rotates Once a Quarter to assure preparations are made each time our congregation partakes in the Lord's Supper.

Also, consider assisting in Outreach Communion. Prepare and Serve Communion the 1st Sunday of Each Month to our shut-ins and to those who would not otherwise join us on a Sunday morning. 

To assist Outreach Communion, email Laree Bowen.

Emmaus, Chrysalis, & Kairos

To Invest by being involved in our local Emmaus community, email Steve Bridges.

CLICK HERE to watch a video about the Walk to Emmaus.

The upcoming Emmaus walks are (to be announced).

To Invest in students ages 15-18 thru Chrysalis

email Bonita Turton.

Chrysalis is an adapted version of Emmaus specifically for teenagers.

The next Chrysalis Flights are (to be announced).

For more information, visit the Heart of GA Emmaus website:

To Invest in the lives of those in prison thru Kairos,

email Eddie McLemore.

Kairos is a version of Emmaus for the incarcerated.

The next Kairos program is (to be announced).

For more information, visit

prayer team

To Invest by participating in our Prayer Ministry, email Cindy Ellis. Dot Grimes is our Prayer Team chair.

Our Prayer Ministry includes many aspects:

  • Prayer Chain
  • Prayer Stations
  • So much more!