This page is currently being updated: please come back again soon to find out about the various ways Cordele First is involved in reaching out to the local community.
local missions
local missions
This page is currently being updated: please come back again soon to find out about the various ways Cordele First is involved in reaching out to the local community.
Soul food
To be involved in our Soul Food ministry, you can simply show up or email Dale Steinert for more information.
Soul Food exists to serve the hungry and disadvantaged in our community by joining in worship and giving away Bibles, clothes, and food to those who need it the most!
We meet at 9 AM on the 3rd Tuesday of each month to help bag food and prepare for Soul Food.
Then, at 9 AM on the 3rd Thursday of each month we host Soul Food -
a time of worship and distribution of items. Hundreds from our community gather in our Activities Center to worship together and receive assistance.
Opportunities to serve at Soul Food:
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