First Kids

The goal of our First Kids ministry is to promote a loving relationship between our children and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Ages: Birth to 5th grade

If your 3rd or 4th Grade child would like to serve as an Acolyte during our Traditions Worship @ 11 AM,

please email Brenda Farrow.

If you would like to serve as a volunteer with our kids or have any questions about our Children's Ministry, 

please call or email Brenda Farrow.

Weekly Schedule


Available on Sunday mornings from 8:30 AM until 12:30 PM & Wed Nights from 6:15 PM until 7:00 PM, and as needed for other events & small groups. Ages Newborn-K2

Sunday School Classes @ 10 AM 

Classes available for K-3 thru 5th Grade

Sunday Children’s Church 

During both morning worship times (9 AM and 11 AM)

Classes available for K-3 thru K-5

Wednesday Night Small Groups @ 6:15 pm


1st & 2nd Grades

3rd to 5th Grade

Special Events

Various small events & trips are planned throughout the year: Movie Night, Swim Parties, and more!

Each year we have some large events that happen:

  • Easter Egg Hunt in the Spring
  • Vacation Bible School in July
  • Kids Music Camp in the Summer
  • 3rd Grade Bible Presentation every August @ both worship times (9AM and 11AM)
  • Fall Festival in October
  • Christmas Caroling Hayride to Nursing Homes in December

Various Mission Projects: Shoebox Ministry, Vacation Bible School Projects, & much more!

For our calendar of Current Events check under

Missions > Kids Upcoming Events