Embrace God's Family & Our Neighbors

One way we Embrace God's family is to show radical hospitality on Sunday mornings

to one another and to our neighbors. 

God always encourages His people to welcome neighbors and visitors as if they were family.

We encourage you to Embrace by joining one of our servant teams below:

Emerge Teams

Join one of our Emerge Servant Teams!

There's a job for every person, whether it's: welcoming people as a Greeter, assisting our families with our Kids Welcome Desk, working with Hospitality to have coffee and snacks ready, handing out information at the Connections Table, or making sure worship goes smoothly as a part of Production - there are many ways for us to Embrace one another!

Email Brandon Nipper to join a servant team today!

TraditionS Teams

Embrace God's family by joining a Traditions Team - 

whether you are one of our children or a senior adult!

Join our Ushers to help coordinate the offering, handout bulletins, and assist with communion; be a Greeter to welcome visitors before & after worship, and while we greet one another during worship; assist with sound and video as a part of Production; or if you are a 3rd or 4th grader you have the opportunity to serve as an Acolyte by leading our Pastors into worship with the symbol of the Holy Spirit.

Email Cindy Ellis to join a servant team today!

Special Events

Another way we Embrace is thru seasonal church-wide gatherings and other Special Events.

With multiple worship times and diverse congregations, we can sometimes miss opportunities to meet all of God's people here at Cordele First. We encourage people to join us at our special events as they are scheduled, as a way to Embrace the larger congregation, meet new people, and show the love of Christ to those who we may not normally interact with on a Sunday morning.

Email Cindy Ellis to find out when our next church-wide special event will be.