Upcoming Trips:

       We are eagerly exploring ways in which our church members can be of service around the world, and we're already praying that God will use our human efforts to bring glory to Himself.  We know that we will be blessed in the process...!

International missions and missionaries

Cordele First currently supports a number of international missions and missionaries.  Please contact the church office for more details, but do come back soon (we're updating this section) to find out more about what we are doing, and more about what you can do...

  • phil & Cathy davison

    Phil and Cathy Davison have spent most of the last 30+ years in Africa as members of Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL International. They loved their own time of 'learning and doing', but these days they are happy to be able to invest their experience in the development of African colleagues through training and consulting (Cathy in literacy and education, Phil in linguistics).

    Click and for more details (and you can find Cathy on facebook).

  • Stephen & Gail quigg

    Stephen and Gail Quigg are career missionaries working in aviation safety with Mission Safety International. After 20 years of missionary flight service in Africa in support of the United Methodist Church, the Quiggs are now based in the U.S. and travel widely in support of aviation ministries around the world. Their years of accident-free flying and living in very challenging environments has given them a wealth of experience and information to share with other missionary pilot families and organizations, Find out more about the work of Mission Safety International at

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