About Tania:
I am originally from Havana, Cuba. There I completed my secular studies, until I graduated as a Technician in the career of “Protection, Automation and Operation in Electrical Energy Systems” (PAOSEE – its acronym in Spanish),at the Hermanos Gómez Technological Institute. But, with great joy, I keep alive in my memory that the greatest and most transcendental of all the events of my life, and the bearer of my true happiness, also took place in Cuba. This happened on a Saturday night, January 11, 1986; the day I surrendered my entire life to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, at the age of 19, in a Methodist Chapel in the small neighborhood of Martin Perez (Havana); and together with the Methodist Church of Guanabacoa (Havana), I grew in my Christian discipleship. In that humble, but wonderful place I began my Christian career, the most important of all.
I arrived in the US on Labor Day (September 4, 1995). In this country I had my “first new home” in the beautiful, but extremely cold city of Lancaster, PA. Years later, after having been accredited for my theological studies completed in Cuba, I began my pastoral ministry at the UMC in Milwaukee, WI, until 2010, when I was moved to my second appointment at the UMC
in KS, until 2021. In May of the same year, God assigned me my next mission field at Cordele First UMC, where I have worked very joyfully as an associate pastor for almost four years, alongside the wonderful family of faith, until 2024. After leaving the UMC, I now serve with all my love and devotion at Cordele First Church. My greatest passion is to work in the vineyard of the Lord Jesus Christ, rescuing souls from the kingdom of darkness, and turning them into disciples for the Kingdom of Heaven. That is the priority of my life. Preaching about the love of God and teaching His Word have become my greatest desire. I also really enjoy singing, I love music (the good kind). Reading is another of my pleasures and interests. I have played chess since my childhood, I love it; and dominoes as well. Cooking is another of my great fascinations and pleasures (and eating).
Favorite Food: Lamb kabobs, lamb kibbeh, lamb chops (with mint jelly), Greek gyros…
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 8:16 "The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God"