In order to make disciples, we must spend intentional time and effort to Invest in our own faith development.
Below are several opportunities offered at our church for disciples to Invest.
Email Larry Rollins with any questions.
Invest in Your Faith
In order to make disciples, we must spend intentional time and effort to Invest in our own faith development.
Below are several opportunities offered at our church for disciples to Invest.
Email Larry Rollins with any questions.
One of the first opportunities to Invest in your own faith development is thru Membership.
Membership is an outward expression of your commitment to God. As a member, you commit to uphold this congregation with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness - or what we call our 5 Vows.
Please email Larry Rollins if you would like to become a member of Cordele First.
Small Groups
We have small groups and classes for adults and students of all ages.
For Youth Small Groups, contact Kody Franks
For Adult Small Groups, contact one of our ministers
Rev. Larry Rollins | Senior Pastor
Rev. Tania Montero | Nuevo Pacto
Our adult groups include groups for Men, for Women, and those open to anyone and everyone.
Small groups are where connections are formed and spiritual growth abounds.
These groups may meet once a week or twice a month. They may meet at someone's home or at the church.
Their main goal is to study God's word together, discuss everyday struggles and triumphs,
and support each other thru prayer.
Think small... Grow BIG!!
Wednesday Nights
In the Fall and Spring of each year we have activities going on at the church for families of all shapes and sizes!
Starting at 5:30 PM we have Dinner in the Activities Center.
(don't worry about showing up late - just come get some good food!)
Cost $10.00/adult, $5.00/child, $30/family maximum.
*Nursery is available.
At 6:15 PM, our First Kids (K-5th grade) are dismissed to their time of study and activity
and our Renovate Students (6th-12th grade) also go to their time of Small Group Study.
In The Great Room of the Activity Center, Pastor Larry Rollins leads a bible study for all ages.
Then, at 6:30 PM
Our Chancel Choir meets in the Choir suite for rehearsal.