Embrace God

One way we Embrace God is to join together on Sunday mornings in passionate worship.

Our worship flows out of hearts that are being transformed because of God's Embrace in our lives!

*To listen to our most recent sermons, CLICK HERE.

Choose from one of the 3 worships below:


Welcoming ALL, Worshipping ONE! 

Come as you are, and join us each Sunday @ 9 AM in the Activities Center

We started Emerge in September 2011 and have seen exciting growth as people are coming alive in Christ! Whether you have never been to church, been gone from church for a while, or are simply looking for a different worship style - this is the place for you! Each week you'll enjoy contemporary worship music and hear a relevant sermon. 

We believe that there is a place in ministry for everyone - so come find your place at Emerge! To get involved in our Emerge worship, email Brandon Nipper.

TraditionS @ 11 AM

"Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!" Psalm 95:6

Join us each Sunday @ 11 AM in the Sanctuary where you will experience a vibrant liturgical worship with traditional hymns, a variety of musical instruments, and one of the most talented choirs around! 

Each worship opportunity at Cordele First offers a loving environment where individuals are able to experience Christ and grow spiritually. 

For more information, email the church office.

Neuvo Pacto @ 11 AM

"Nuevo Pacto" Iglesia Metodista

  Somos una iglesia multicultural que adoramos a Dios de acuerdo a cada una de nuestras tradiciones diferentes y donde todos somos aceptados y amados, sin importar el estatus social o condición social. Continuamente hacemos llamado a la iglesia por su participación en diferentes áreas del ministerio de acuerdo a los dones que cada persona tiene. Tenemos alrededor de 12 áreas del ministerio en el que puede obtener cada hermano / a en cuestión. 

We are a multi-cultural church who worship God in accord with our different traditions and where all are accepted and loved without regardless of social or financial status. We are continually making requests to the church for involvement in different ministry areas in accord to the gifts that each person has. We have around 12 areas of ministry in which each brother/sister can get involved. 

  Quien: Todas edades

  Cuando: Domingo @ 10:00 am - Escuela Dominical, 11:00 am - Servicio de Adoración

  Who: All ages

  When: Sunday @ 10:00 am - Sunday School, 11:00 am - Worship Service in the Activities Center

Wednesday @ 8:00 pm - Adult Bible Study

Email Tania Montero for more information or to get involved!


A crucial way that we as believers Embrace God is to celebrate the sacrament of Baptism.

Baptism is an outward expression of God's commitment to you.

As a church we practice many modes of baptism, from sprinkling to immersion, and from infant baptism to believer's baptism.

We baptize during Sunday morning worship and at specified times throughout the year when we hold Baptism parties.

Please email Larry Rollins if you are interested in pursuing Baptism at Cordele First!